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Text File | 1995-11-23 | 10.6 KB | 291 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- StartupFrills Version History
- v3.4.3 Various documentation changes due to the new support structure. Also
- resource changes (in the balloon help) to indicate the new support
- addresses.
- Also added the beginnings of a 'Cancel' mechanism for the playing of
- sounds. Due to the almost immediate backgrounding of StartupFrills
- this doesn't really work very well at the moment, so I'm not putting
- down as a fully implemented feature.
- v3.4.2 Ported the code from CodeWarrior 6 to CodeWarrior 7, which required
- a complete re-creation of the project file due to a spurious link error.
- Also changed the StartupFrills picture in the preferences screen to
- correctly indicate the version (3.4.1 still had a picture saying it was
- version 3.3).
- v3.4.1 Fixed an incredibly irritating bug to do with playing large sounds.
- The routine SndStartFilePlay returned noErr is the result, but never
- played the sound and locked up the sound channel. The result was that
- StartupFrills went into an infinite loop waiting for the channel to clear
- and would remain in the background forever.
- The new method of playing sounds is to load the entire resource and use
- SndPlay, but this isn't entirely satisfactory since that loses the capbility
- of playing sounds larger than the memory partition. This will be looked into
- in a future version, but no promises.
- v3.4 Major development-based changes, but no functionality change.
- The code is now generated using MetroWerks CodeWarrior, rather
- than Symantec C++. Various source changes were required to
- accomodate this.
- The downside appears to be that the executable has grown 4k in size
- without any additional functionality. It would seem that MetroWerks is size
- inefficient.
- v3.3.4 Fixed a bug which could prevent the In Order option from
- working correctly.
- Also, after watching in horror as an 'if' statement got
- completely ignored when stepping through in the debugger,
- the option to allow Symantec C++ to optimise the code has
- been turned off. Forever.
- v3.3.3 (Limited public release)
- Added the ability to use aliases to startup files.
- v3.3.2 (Limited public release)
- Fixed a problem where the error reporting introduced
- for the previous version would report fnfErr (-43) if
- you hadn't set a source folder for a type but had still
- left that type enabled.
- v3.3.1 (Limited public release)
- Added some error message reporting - limited as
- yet.
- Noticed that the help balloons had gone missing, so
- re-introduced them.
- v3.3 (Limited public release)
- Added support for the use of PICT files as startup
- screens, including Quicktime compressed PICTs.
- Note that Quicktime is required in order to use
- PICTs with StartupFrills regardless of whether
- it is compressed or not (I use a routine which only
- Quicktime provides - DrawPictureFile).
- Note also that decompressing pictures is an
- inherently slow operation - use this feature with
- caution when dealing with slower machines.
- v3.2.2 (Limited public release)
- Fixed a problem which caused the same prompt,
- "Select a folder for screens:", to be shown when
- selecting folders regardless of which type of file
- was actually having its source folder set.
- v3.2.1 Moved to Apple's standard numbering scheme (previous
- bug fixes didn't have the second dot).
- Fixed an extraordinarily lax bug which could quite easily
- cause the randomising feature to fail. The preferences
- file was not being closed in certain program routines,
- and this was messing up the count of how many history
- resources were present (Programmer's note: I was using
- FSClose instead of CloseResFile. Very poor).
- v3.2 (Limited public release)
- Vastly improved randomising capabilities. A file will
- not now be re-used until all other choices have been
- exhausted. This is achieved by using history resources
- inside the preferences file - one type for each startup
- file type.
- All file copying, for example setting startup screens and
- movies, now takes place in the background allowing other
- applications to get on with their work.
- The preferences dialogue is now modeless.
- Restructured the preferences file (again...)
- Minor documentation changes, mainly due to a spot of
- proof-reading and the requirements for the new version.
- v3.1 Added the ability to specify a startup movie. Note that
- StartupFrills itself doesn't play this movie - it simply
- copies it to the correct location for the System to
- automatically play it (similar to the manner in which
- startup screens are handled). Requires Quicktime to be
- installed, the version number being appropriate to
- the movie being played.
- Restructured the preferences file.
- Internal changes to the handling of preferences to improve
- the object-orientation. These are fairly major, and are what
- caused the preferences file structure to be altered.
- Internal changes to begin moving away from constant strings
- and towards STR resources. This trend will continue in
- future releases
- v3.0 (Limited public release)
- Total rewrite. Implementation is now in C++ rather than C,
- and the application has been re-designed in the object
- oriented paradigm. This ought to make it easier to add any
- more startup file types in the future.
- Added a Configuration dialogue box.
- Added the ability to speak text files. Requires Apple's
- Speech Manager to be installed.
- Added the ability to step through each screen or sound in
- order, rather than having the selection always be random.
- Added the ability to enable or disable startup file types
- via the configuration dialogue.
- Significant documentation changes to reflect the new
- functionality. Introduced an MS-Word version of the ReadMe
- file.
- Made StartupFrills use a preferences file, rather than
- storing all settings in its own resource fork. This means
- that any configuration settings apply only to the machine on
- which they're saved - a method which makes sense when the
- nature of the application is considered.
- Removed the need to specify source folder locations
- externally (either having Startup Screens/Sounds folders
- directly in the System Folder or having similarly named
- aliases in the System Folder). Source folder locations are
- now kept in the preferences file and specified through the
- Configuration dialogue box.
- Significantly reduced the executable's size. To be honest,
- it's the compiler that should take the most credit for that
- since there's actually more code in than ever before. However
- a few loose resources have been cleaned out and the use of a
- preferences file has made things more efficient.
- v2.3 Taken away the responsibility for playing a sound from the
- Finder and given it to StartupFrills. This results in a speed
- improvement since the sound now only needs to be read
- once, rather than read in once, written out again to a
- different location, and the finally read again by the Finder
- in order to play it. StartupFrills will also play sound in the
- background, allowing other applications to continue their
- startup processes (including the Finder).
- v2.2 Allowed the use of aliases to folders being placed in the
- System folder rather than requiring the folders themselves
- to be there. This was the most requested feature missing
- from v2.1, so hopefully a few people will be pleased by
- its inclusion.
- StartupFrills now correctly chooses only files having the
- correct type ('SCRN' for screens, 'sfil' for sounds)
- regardless of whether files of other types are in the
- source folder.
- Minor changes to the Readme file in order to include the
- new functionality.
- v2.1 Added support for non-English language Systems.
- v2.02 (No public release)
- Re-addressed the problem of a Type 1/2 error occurring.
- Fixed a potential (but highly unlikely) divide by zero error.
- Fixed a problem whereby folders containing only one file
- would be ignored.
- v2.01 Updated the ReadMe file to correctly reflect the folder
- naming conventions.
- Correctly implemented the help balloon.
- v2.0 Changed the name from "Change Startupscreens" to
- "StartupFrills"
- Added random startup sounds functionality.
- Added Finder icons and a help balloon.
- Added a new randomising feature designed to pick the
- higher numbers more often. It could be purely subjective,
- but the Mac's random number generator seems rarely to
- produce values near the top of its range so some files
- were almost never being chosen.
- v1.02 (No public release)
- Fixed a bug which could cause the startupscreens folder
- name to be corrupted in memory, thus preventing the
- application from operating correctly.
- Made the routines more generic in preparation for the
- addition of random startup sounds functionality.
- v1.01 (No public release)
- Fixed a bug which would prevent the last startup screen in
- the StartupScreens folder from ever being selected.
- Minor documentation changes.
- v1.0 Initial release.